Monday, December 30, 2013

Phony Journalist Iyel Bey disgraces self - creates anti-1BLOOD backlash in defense of Clayton L. Luce

Fraudulent independent journalist and SCEI-1BLOOD propaganda slave has once again made a fool of himself in public after an attempted smear campaign backfired on him. 

While attempting to discredit SCEI-1BLOOD whistleblower and cult survivor activist Clayton L. Luce with a vulgar and juvenile defamation video, Iyel Bey accidentally triggered a public backlash and massive new support for Mr. Luce's NoMore1BLOOD campaign as negative reactions created by Iyel's video brought record numbers of new viewers to the NoMore1BLOOD website, YouTube Videos and through email support networks. 

Over 300 new views occurred within several hours (a large number for a cult with so little influence or public legitimacy), as well as a whopping 75 new likes, email responses, back-linking and most importantly upping the investigations against SCEI-1BLOOD by attracting the attention of larger national rights groups as well as additional requests for recently leaked internal SCEI-1BLOOD documents and videos to law enforcement. The public attention has also brought a new opportunity for NoMore1BLOOD to partner with a larger national anti-cult and child rights organization.

Mr. Luce responded initially to the videos against him, after seeing them for the first time by stating with a smile: 

"This is the slip up we've been waiting for. Iyel has just won us our war over the public opinions of SCEI." 

Several days later, after a sudden rejuvenation of new support and outcries against the destructive bible based cult, Sovereign Church of ELOHIYM International which is currently under state and federal investigations for crimes that include attempted murder, racketeering, investment fraud and child molestation. 

Iyel Bey, who is a low level foot soldier and only remaining multimedia ally of Kenneth D. Jackson Sr. has repeatedly disgraced his master and his organization by continually blundering and contradicting church policies with intellectually empty hate filled smear reporting, including wildly inappropriate and wholly unfounded charges against Mr. Luce including his own alleged involvement in the torture and attempted murder of his father by SCEI-1BLOOD cult members in 2011.

These allegations have greatly served to clearly demonstrate to both law enforcement and the people the desperation of the cult, Iyel Bey and his organization. 

By so blatantly and non-creatively accusing Mr. Luce of crimes which the cult has clearly been implicated in  Mr. Bey has only served to further suspicions that the cult is attempting to divert attention from itself despite the mounting evidences of its own involvement in so many horrible crimes. 

Clayton Luce has cooperated with law enforcement in all aspects of both the investigation into the robberies of himself and his father which resulted in the torture of Robert L. Luce by another member of the cult SCEI-1BLOOD International. Mr. Luce is not a suspect in this case nor has any evidence or official allegation against him been issued with the exception of the accusations of Iyel Bey.

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