If you think having Jehovah’s Witnesses ring your doorbell in order to try and sell you on their false ‘gospel’ is bad, consider the plight of some tenants in Suffern, NY.
They’re looking for new homes after their building was sold to theWatchtower Society, the religious cult’s legal entity.
Seriously? Are you trying to be sensationalist? Fact check! It might help the legitimacy of your reporting. And you may want to check the definition of a cult. Your obvious bias doesn't mean you can classify a group of 8,000,000 people according to your whim. Sounds like defamation to me. Do you know what a cult is? Keep your defamatory comments to yourself. Leases are being honored. Seller and agent were fully aware of the intent of the Jehovah's Witnesses before the sale.
ReplyDeleteI am not one of them but I have this questions for you:What cult propagates their believes as open as Jehovah’s Witnesses? Which cult puts out in the open, facts about their organizational structure, code of conduct and belief systems as well as information about their headquarters and country head offices with verifiable phone numbers and addresses like Jehovah’s Witnesses? If you don’t verify your “facts” before publishing it, you may end up discrediting YOURSELF instead of your object of discrimination. Visit their website JW.ORG and get facts. And by the way, that is the most translated website on earth, (Google it) hardly an act of a cult.