Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Twiggs County Torture linked back to SCEI-1BLOOD!

The recent torture of a local Twiggs County resident, Robert Luce, is now firmly established as being carried out by a member of the cult of SCEI-1BLOOD (Sovereign Church of 'ELOHIYM International) of which Mr. Luce was also a member.

According to the official report, Mr. Luce was taken by gunpoint on his way to Sabbath services at the Miracle Manor cult compound, and then tortured with red hot scissors.

The money which the cult members were after based on a previous robbery of the contents of three safes, held on Mr. Luce's property. One of the safes belonged to his son Clayton Luce.

Robert Luce was held at gunpoint and then brutally tortured with red hot scissors along his neck and back until he would reveal the location of hidden money caches. Mr. Luce finally relented and gave the location of a small sum of money which the thieves took, leaving him tied up with the gas stove burning unlit in hopes that he would die.

The mastermind behind this crime, Mr. Denis Jones, was also an employee of Mr. Luce and the caretaker of his property.

Denis Jones had been previously incarcerated due to failure to pay child support and was subsequently released from jail by Robert Luce's son, Clayton Luce, who paid all outstanding fees and had Mr. Jones released.

Soon after, Clayton Luce hired Denis Jones, out of charity, to maintain his property and to give Mr. Jones a means for satisfying his debts. Through Clayton, Denis Jones was accepted in the Sovereign Church of 'ELOHIYM International and became a baptized member.

Soon afterwards, he was hired by Clayton's father to care-take his property nearby.

It was during this time that Denis Jones learned about the wealth of the two employers and plotted to steal from them. The first robberies occurred when Mr. Jones stole several thousand dollars from Clayton Luce inside of his home.

Later, he and his gang robbed both Luce's of several hundred thousand dollars by stealing several safes full of money and precious metals.

Finally, they robbed and tortured Mr. Luce on his way to church and left him for dead.

Currently, the cult known as SCEI-1BLOOD International is under active investigation for even more serious crimes which are scheduled to be formally announced on this Wednesday.

Monday, April 29, 2013

SCEI-1BLOOD Revealed! The Truth about the Cult, its Leaders and its Mission

In this video I do my best to begin telling the story of SCEI-1BLOOD International from my own experiences there. I reveal some of my own stories and recall some of the activities I witnessed including substance abuse, torture and murder plots.

I talk about Apostle Dr. Kenneth D. Jackson, Sr. and his son Bishop Smoke Jackson and my perspectives on the cult and its crimes.

I hope to upload more videos in the future, and please forgive the amateurish nature of this video, as I am neither a public speaker or a cult leader, and more importantly, this is unscripted and from the heart.

For more information on the cult go to www.scei-1blood.me, or scei-1blood.blogspot.com for more information and updates as they occur.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

SCEI-1BLOOD Cult -Famine, hoarders, and toys! Prophecy Workshop 2008

2008 ban on lead in Childrens toys are discussed. Kenneth D Jackson further points out the effect on the U.S. economy and then laughs as he discusses how this will benefit his cult.
He then uses a classic fear mongering tactic, basic in mind-control, to explain to members the horror of times to come, the consequences of members who failed to follow his instructions, and the special provision by GOD for those who weren't there at the time, to scare the cult into compliance. He then shares that he will no longer be available as he was in the past, and that instruction would be passed down through others. Again, a classic cult strategy of building up his following, and then detaching himself to go and enjoy his wealth and privilege free from the day to day running of the cult. To justify this he says that he has his "hands full" as an "Apostle and Prophet." (HAHAHA! Let us be glad that Jesus Christ is not represented by this man!)

Then he goes on to boost the ego of his cult by explaining how advanced they are above all the rest of humanity, and how the ignorance of the masses will result in persecution should they ever actually voice their "superior" knowledge to the masses. Again, the people persecute Satans kingdom, thus he must put in place a fear in his cult for sharing what they know by trying to disguise his lies by scaring his members from revealing those lies to those who might see through them.

He uses the example of toys to show the tyranny and evil of the United States Government, and uses it to further scare his members into anti government sentiment and radicalism.

He further goes on to say that his organization and cult will become a medium of shipping these poisonous toys to other children! Instead of recognizing the problem of poison in toys, he justifies himself by claiming that he is not only helping himself, but also helping the environment by using SCEI-1BLOOD to ship poisonous contaminated toys to innocent children in other countries where laws do not exist to regulate them!

Furthermore, he goes on to explain how SCEI-1BLOOD can "exploit" the opportunity of selling these poisonous toys to innocents, collecting profits and then sending those profits back to the government!!! This is a clear cut example of SCEI-1BLOOD tactics and lack of concern not only for people, but for little children, despite their words!

Finally, he goes into a discussion of food. SCEI-1BLOOD uses food to control its members by convincing members of shortages and then portraying itself as the only source of food to survive, thereby enslaving them through there own desire to survive.

He talks about 1BLOOD's exploitation of the internet and how SCEI-1BLLOD will dominate search results because of its staff of internet people placing it high on search engines. Well lets just look at the evidence! I have single handedly conquered their entire staff, including Iyel Bey, by using the TRUTH! When you type in 1BLOOD, you see SCEI-1BLOOD FRAUD! That is because the lies will not overcome! I am one man against an entire organization, and yet I am 20 times more effective than the entirety of the 1BLOOD media propaganda machine!

Update on the SCEI-1BLOOD Cultwatch Group and the Cult

As you are awaiting our soon to come breaking story, let us take a minute to update you on some of our successes since launching our site late 2012.

Since the launch of the site, six, COUNT EM! SIX, cult members have woken up and left the cult to pursue better opportunities! That may not sound like many, but with only around 40 Macon, GA cult members, we are rapidly approaching the 25% mark of defectors!

Additionally there are now three active legal investigations including FBI and local investigations into the cult, a broad awareness of SCEI-1BLOOD crimes within its circle of influence including many key officials who were duped by them, and more-so, our site is growing in popularity within the local community!

On the heels of the coming charges against key members, we predict that there will be a massive surge in public outcry and member defections.

To those of you who support us, who have testifies and provided written statements, videos and photographs, to those of you who pray for us, and to those of you who are making a stand for your communities in rooting out these terrorists, WE THANK YOU! YOU ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE!6


Major news is about to break regarding serious crimes committed within the SCEI-1BLOOD organization.
Details of this case will be provided once law enforcement has completed its preliminary actions. STAY TUNED to have your MIND BLOWN!
We knew they were sick, but you are about to find out just how sick they really are!
In order to aid law enforcement and to avoid obstructing justice, we will not report any further details until the initial investigation has been complete to protect both the victims and the other innocents involved.
Stay tuned! We expect to be able to provide full details within the next few days, as we are up to date with the case.
-SCEI-1BLOOD Cultwatch Team